Digital Inclusion is a community project to facilitate events for leveling digital workplace skills and access to technology. Promoting open source technologies, remote work, open education.
Web Presence
- Toptal Warsaw Meetup
- Project Management board
- Website - TBA
Upcoming events
- Remote Community Meetup, Żyrardów 10.12.2019
Previous events
- JSPoland Conference, Warsaw 22.11.2019
- Toptal Community Meetup, Warsaw 3.12.2019
Initial Goals
- Host 3 or more meetups, in small cities in Poland. We will be talking about remote work, freelancing and how to start a career in IT. The events are targeted at people who are unprivileged due to the Digital Divide.
- Describe a simple and scalable method to organize events including all necessary resources, in an open source format, to empower local communities worldwide
- Spread awareness about the project, by presenting keynotes at large IT conferences in Poland and other cities in Europe. First: JS Poland
Target groups
- People from communities with limited access to technology and remote work and freelance lifestyles, aged 18+, living in small cities
- IT communities around the world, in particular local leaders
Keynote Pitch
The Digital Divide is a limiter to the potential of millions of people around the world – also in Poland. Away from the glamour of big cities, there are a lot of talented people, who simply don’t know that they can live a different life.
We built communities and hosted meetups in big cities with vibrant IT markets. We shared our experience about the privileges of remote work with thousands of people. Now we want to deliver that message to the people who are away from startup hubs, universities, to small cities where the unemployment rate is higher and where people are technologically unprivileged.
This is a community-driven project. It is free for everyone, all the materials will be published open source. What’s in it for you? You can be a force that bridges this Digital Divide by participating in our events, contributing to the materials, and sharing your experience with the less privileged. We can help you do that, and people actually need your help. A lot of technical people want to change the world. Here’s your chance to change people’s lives!
Content and materials creation
Content list
Primary content: meetups - networking events, where experienced remote working freelancers will share their experience and advise people from unprivileged communities, how to start down the career path with remote work.
The project will include the creation of some related materials:
- PDF print-out, 1-page infographic guide to freelance and remote work
- A web page, served via Github Page
- An open-source standard method definition for creating community events, in the form of a Github repository (preferable the same one as the website in 2.):
- What subjects to choose
- Which location is suitable
- How to act as host
- How to form a community strategy
Creation of materials
All work will be carried out either by volunteers or in a decentralized way via Gitcoin and sponsored partners All work tasks will be defined in Github Issues
- Wikipedia - Digital Divide
- Wikipedia - ICT4D
- Wikipedia (PL) - Wykluczenie cyfrowe
- Wykluczenie cyfrowe w Polsce - Kancelaria Senatu Grudzień 2015